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  • How to make your LinkedIn profile stand out

    Wednesday 18 Aug 2021
    LinkedIn is probably the most powerful professional networking tool on the internet – it is certainly one Dipont Education recruiters use regularly when looking for educators to fill our vacancies.

    Dipont recruiters spend hours searching for potential candidates on LinkedIn, so they know what makes a good profile! Whether you are actively looking for a new position or are simply open to hearing about new opportunities, it is always beneficial to have your profile ready.

    Here are our top tips for making sure your LinkedIn profile stands out to our recruiters:

    LinkedIn profile photo

    Choose the right photo

    Begin your profile by choosing a professional and friendly-looking photo. It’s what our recruiters searching for your profile will see first. To give the best initial impression, don’t use a passport picture as they can sometimes appear too serious. Our recruiters are more likely to click on profiles that show smiling candidates as they give off a positive attitude and a warm and friendly personality. Also, make sure that the photo is interview-appropriate.

    General rule: If you wouldn’t wear it to an interview, don’t have it in your LinkedIn photo.

    Include enough info

    LinkedIn profiles are easy to complete. You can personalize the sections you want to use and decide what you want to highlight. In order for your profile to be useful to our recruiters, however, you must make sure your profile contains enough information so that we can understand your career path – don’t forget to include your educational background and recent relevant experience. Although not essential, having a short, impactful summary about yourself often helps attract our busy recruiters’ attention.

    Get specific

    Our recruiters are usually filling defined vacancies for our independent schools and international high school programs, with detailed candidate profile requirements. With this in mind, ensure your LinkedIn profile includes specifics about the curricula and subjects you have taught. This increases your chances of being found when Dipont recruitment consultants refine their searches for subject- and curriculum-specific roles.

    Keep your profile updated

    If you have recently changed jobs, update your profile. Our recruiters will see that you have just started a new position and will assume you’re not looking for another job right now. This will help save theirs and your time by avoiding unnecessary messages about your availability or interest in new positions.

    Keeping your location current is also really important. Increasingly our recruiters are searching for candidates based in China already. If you’re not currently in the country but your profile says you are, you may be contacted about roles you’re ineligible for. On the other hand, if your profile incorrectly says you’re based outside of China you may miss out on being contacted about excellent job opportunities.

    LinkedIn logo

    Connect with us

    Dipont Education has a very active LinkedIn company page, where we post regular updates about positions available, as well as company news. Be sure to follow our page to stay up-to-date on the information we share. Interacting with our posts is also a great way to get noticed by our recruiters. Sharing, liking and commenting on our updates gives you the chance to showcase your knowledge and opinions, allowing our recruiters to get to know more about you beyond your profile.
